I’ve provided pro-bono design for a variety of elementary school projects. This has included developing marketing and communication plans, event logo design, poster design & social media graphics and messaging.
Budget constraints are always present when working with school needs. Soliciting local business donations and finding creative ways to reduce printing costs is always a consideration and a large constraint in the design process.
For the events that occur every year, I have worked on brand development. I’ve established logos and visuals that can be refreshed each year by swapping out certain elements. This maintains brand/event recognition (which increases child/parent participation) and reduces costs from year to year.
Spring Auction: Theme Development, Logo Design, Poster Design, Auction Invitation, PowerPoint Template.
Centennial Celebration: Logo Development, Poster Design, T-shirt Design, Fused Art Glass,
Dash For Art Dollars: Logo development, Poster Design, Pledge Form.
“Thank you for creating our fabulous centennial logo! Love, Love Love . . . and now it’s part of our history. We are most appreciative of your beautiful work!”
–Krista Peterson